What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that focuses on high, fast kicks and jumping and spinning kicks. It also includes hand techniques, forms (patterns of movement), and self-defense skills. Click here to learn more about Taekwondo.

What are the benefits of Taekwondo for kids?

Taekwondo helps kids build physical fitness, including strength, flexibility, and coordination. It also teaches discipline, respect, focus, and self-confidence. Additionally, it can improve social skills and provide a constructive outlet for energy.

Is Taekwondo safe for kids?

Yes, Taekwondo is generally very safe for children. Instructors are trained to teach proper techniques and ensure that students practice safely. Protective gear may be used during sparring to minimize the risk of injury.

What equipment will my child need?

Initially, your child will need a uniform. We will provide a school “dobak” once you are a member. As the student climbs to higher, more advanced belts, more elements of Taekwondo are unlocked. Sparring gear will be needed once the student is green belt. Brown belt, the student can choose a weapon to master. But to try a free class, just wear shorts and a t-shirt.

How often should my child attend Taekwondo classes?

We recommend attending class 2-3 times a week to see the best progress. However, the exact frequency can vary depending on your child’s schedule and goals.

What should my child wear to Taekwondo class?

For the first few classes, a comfortable athletic outfit and clean sneakers are usually sufficient. As they progress, they will need a Taekwondo uniform (gi) and a belt, which we provide.

How old does my child need to be to start Taekwondo?

The ideal age to start can vary depending on the child’s maturity and the school’s program. “If a one listens, one can be taught” Our youngest ever was 2.5 years old, however we have seen 5 year old’s that were not ready to be in class.

How does Taekwondo grading work?

Taekwondo uses a belt system to signify a student’s rank and progress. Students start as white belts and work their way up through various colors and patterns by demonstrating their skills and knowledge in testing sessions. Velocity is very much invested in the growth of the child on all fronts. When it is close to testing time, we reach out to the teachers at school and the parents at home to see if there is an issue. If there is a problem area, we make it a test requirement over and above the Taekwondo curriculum. Trust us, the child WANTS the next belt, he will correct his behavior.

What should my child do if they’re feeling nervous about their first class?

It’s normal to feel nervous before starting something new. Encourage your child to express their feelings and remind them that everyone starts as a beginner. The instructor will be there to help and make them feel welcome.

How can I support my child’s Taekwondo journey?

Encourage your child to practice regularly, attend classes consistently, and set personal goals. Showing interest in their progress and celebrating their achievements can also be motivating.

Will my child have to compete in tournaments?

Participation in tournaments is usually optional and depends on your child’s interest and readiness. Some kids enjoy the challenge and excitement of competitions, while others may prefer to focus on personal development. We are a very competitive school, having a MMA, BJJ, Boxing and Taekwondo Competition Teams. Bother Armature and Pro. Tournaments are where the child can learn real-time application for Taekwondo techniques.

What if my child wants to quit Taekwondo?

It’s important to discuss any concerns or reasons your child might have for wanting to quit. Sometimes, a brief break or a change in class dynamics can help. If your child still wants to quit, it’s okay; just ensure they understand the commitment before they start. We always work it out so everyone is happy. Also, we have no-contract options.

How do I choose the right Taekwondo school for my child?

Look for a school with qualified instructors, a good safety record, and a positive, supportive environment. Observing a class and talking to other parents can also help you determine if it’s a good fit for your child. NEVER enroll your child at a Taekwondo school that does not let them take a free trial. You need to be comfortable.

Can Taekwondo help with my child’s behavior and focus?

Yes, Taekwondo teaches respect, discipline, and self-control, which can positively impact behavior and focus both at home and in school.

How can I find out more about the class schedule and fees?

Contact our Taekwondo school directly or visit our website for detailed information on class schedules, fees, and any other specific questions you may have.