Palgwe forms sa jang poomsae is the fourth of a set of 8 forms. This is the first time the pal gwe forms begin to add slightly more difficult techniques. The forms all build on one another to form the palgwe book.

Pal gwe forms contain the contradictory concepts of yang-um (yin-yang in Chinese).

Everything has an opposite, light–dark, sky–earth, man–woman, fire–water, lake–mountain and so on. This idea is the basis of the I Ching, and is applied by the Palgwe Poomsae.

These opposites meet and depart from each other according to the rules of the universe.

Palgwe poomse is taught at the colored belt level.

It introduces students to taekwondo technique and philosophy of the Yin-Yang (in Korean, its Um-Yang). Two opposing forces in perfect balance.

Palgwe Sa Jang: Step by Step

      1. 1. Turn left, Step out with left foot into Back Stance, Left Diamond block,  Reverse Right Hand Uppercut.
      1. 2. Slide left foot back in to Ready Stance, Left Hand Neck Chop.
      1. 3. Turn clockwise (180 degrees), stepping out with the right foot into a Back Stance, Right Diamond Block,  Reverse Left Hand Uppercut.

        1. 4. Slide right foot back in to Ready Stance, Right Hand Neck Chop.
      1. 5. Turn counterclockwise (90 degrees), step with the left foot into a Back Stance, Left Double Knife Hand Middle Block.
      1. 6. Moving forwards, right leg Front Kick, landing in front into a Front Stance, Right Spear Hand, Turn counterclockwise (180 degrees, only moving left leg), Right Hand Break Away.
      1. 6. Turn counterclockwise (180 degrees, only moving left leg),  left foot Front Stance, Left Sideways        Hammer Fist Punch.
      1. 8. Step forward with the right foot into a Front Stance, Right Middle Punch and Yell!
      1. 9. Turn counterclockwise (90 degrees), step with your left foot into a Back Stance,

        1. Left Diamond block,  Reverse Right Hand Uppercut.
        1. 10. Slide left foot back in to Ready Stance, Left Hand Neck Chop.
          1. 11. Turn clockwise (180 degrees), stepping out with the right foot into a Back Stance,

            1. Right Diamond Block,  Reverse Left Hand Uppercut.
            1. 12. Slide right foot back in to Ready Stance, Right Hand Neck Chop.
              1. 13. Turn counterclockwise (90 degrees), step with the left foot into a Back Stance, Left Double Knife    Hand Middle Block.

14. Moving forwards, right leg Front Kick, landing in front into a Front Stance, Right Spear Hand, switch stance to Back Stance (moving right foot only), Right Hand Break Away.

      1. 15. Step forward with the left foot into a Horse Stance, Left Middle Punch
      1. 16. Step Forward with the right foot into a Horse Stance, Right Middle Punch and Yell!
    1. 17. Turn counterclockwise (90 degrees), Step out with left foot into Horse Stance, Left Low block.
    1. 18. Moving left foot change to Front Stance, Right Reverse Punch.
    3. Moving left foot change back to Horse Stance, Right Low Block

    1. .
    1. 4. Moving right foot change to Front Stance, Left Reverse Punch and Yell!
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