Martial Arts For
We offer several Women’s Martial Arts Programs in our Lighthouse Point location. Please read through them below and contact us for more information or to get a free class in any program..
More and more women are becoming interested in Martial Arts every year. In times past, the Martial Arts were a thing usually generalized as a male-oriented pursuit. And while that was not truly the case, these arts were definitely a predominantly male activity.
Introduction continued...
Beginning in the 1980’s, the Martial Arts industry became modernized, and at the same time a great number of Martial Arts gyms and schools began to increase their level of professionalism to match their already high level of technical quality.
The immediate result was that Martial Arts schools in Lighthouse Point and around the country saw an explosive increase of women among their ranks. Since then, many Martial Arts programs have both men and women in equal numbers, and there are many cases where women are dominant gender.
The need of some variety of self-defense training for today’s woman is a basic and apparent facet of martial culture, less obvious may be the fitness and wellness capacity of these arts. The Martial Arts are also a fascinating and profound realm of human possibility, empowering a person to ascend beyond ordinary human limitation.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) For Women
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Submission Wrestling For Women
For a woman who isn’t afraid to “get her hands dirty”, so to speak, grappling is a fascinating and effective method of achieving dominance over a person. The very nature of takedowns, the establishing of dominant positions and the application of techniques of submission embody control and power.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has a compelling history surrounding a certain Helio Gracie, who due to being a sickly young man, was unable to execute many existing Jiu-jitsu techniques due to their reliance on a certain degree of raw strength.
His reformation and distillation of this body of knowledge led to the evolution of the Brazilian style of Jiu-jitsu, a method which can be employed effectively against a large and strong attacker regardless of one’s size and strength. Chokes, joint locks, and positions of control native to Jiu-jitsu are combined with techniques from Wrestling, Judo, and other grappling methods to achieve a complete and unparalleled system of self-defense. Stop by our gym if you are interested in Women’s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in Lighthouse Point, Deerfield or Pompano Florida.
Click here to go to our “Brazilian Jiu-jitsu” page
Capoeira For Women
Capoeira Classes For Women

capoeira classes for women
While many associate the Martial Arts with their combat-components, there is much in the way of artistic beauty and expression to be found in varying degrees throughout the martial world.
Perhaps the most beautiful and dynamic of these arts comes to us from the beaches of Brazil. Capoeira has a rich history, from its roots in Africa to its development in Brazil, and has come to dazzle the entire physical-culture world with its spectacular display of fighting movements, acrobatics, and dance. This awesome spectacle is complimented by the native sounds of Brazil, utilizing both native Brazilian instrumentalism as well as traditional vocal accompaniments.
Capoeira is a unique voyage into the culture of Brazil as well as a fun and expressive physical workout. Many women find it’s gracefulness and rhythmic orientation to be the perfect outlet for martial expression and practice. Stop by our gym if you are interested in Capoeira classes for women. Free trial for Lighthouse Point, Pompano and Deerfield residents.
Click here to go to our “Capoeira” page
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) For Women
Mixed Martial Arts for Women

Mixed Martial Arts for Women
Fighting is one of the most basic and primal of all human actions, however it has only recently been explored by average woman. From the primeval times where humanity defended itself from the beasts of the earth, as well as one another; fighting is ever-present.
Today’s contemporary Martial Arts landscape abounds with differing forms of martial training. Some of these are less combative, others more so. The ferocity and fighting skill that we see in professional MMA competition is tremendous, among both men and women. This hybrid fighting-style utilizes techniques from various disciplines of combat sports and arts, to achieve a liberated and dynamic Martial Art, second to none in effectiveness.
If you are woman or teenager who is interested in MMA fighting, participation in actual MMA training will bring you to a higher level of appreciation and enjoyment for this strong and hard-hitting combat-sport. MMA will transform your entire being into a lean and lethal weapon of grace and destructive-ability. Stop by our gym if you are interested in Mixed Martial Arts classes for women in Lighthouse Point, Pompano or Deerfield.
• Click here to go to our “Mixed Martial Arts” page
Women's TKD
Combining self-defense, exercise, and Eastern philosophy in an expressive physical art is what Taekwondo does, in a very unique and beautiful way.
Women’s Taekwondo
Combining self-defense, exercise, and Eastern philosophy in an expressive physical art is what Taekwondo does, in a very unique and beautiful way.
This Korean-based Martial Art emphasizes kicking techniques as its weapon of choice. The theoretical basis of Taekwondo recognizes the legs as being the stronger of the two pairs of extremities; at the same time, the legs are also he longer range weapon in relation to the arms. Women find Taekwondo optimal because it teaches you how to use all of your limbs, as opposed to focusing on close handed attacks.
These two points make kicking techniques and Taekwondo an excellent choice for a woman interested in martial training. By utilizing the legs, you are able to on the one hand generate a great deal of power, and on the other remain at some distance from your opponent and their punches and wrestling.
Taekwondo is an intense type of workout, an instruction in combative theory and methodology, as well as a voyage into the philosophy and culture of the east. Increased self-confidence, strength, fitness, and self-discipline are some of its benefits. Stop by our gym if you are interested in Taekwondo classes for women in Lighthouse Point, Pompano or Deerfield.
Women's Cardio Kickboxing
There is perhaps no better example of a fitness-oriented martial practice for women than Cardio Kickboxing.
Cardio Kickboxing
There is perhaps no better example of a fitness-oriented martial practice for women than Cardio Kickboxing. This exciting and dynamic form of exercise utilizes striking techniques from Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, MMA, and Muay Thai, in a fast-paced cardio and fitness oriented workout designed to melt away fat and unwanted pounds, while simultaneously developing muscle tone and definition.
Classes consist of Martial Arts strikes and training drills set to music, as well as combat-based fundamental conditioning exercises. Women can work at a comfortable pace or intensity, or work at a more challenging pace in this fun, stress-relieving workout. There are no specified uniforms, rank testing, or sparring involved in this class. Stop by our gym if you are interested in Cardio Kickboxing classes for women in Lighthouse Point, Pompano or Deerfield.